Creation of the universe "from nothing", vacua and runaways

21 Feb 2025, 14:45
Синий зал

Синий зал


Victor Berezin (Institute for Nuclear Research, Russian Academy of Sciences)


The phenomenological description of the cosmological particle production in the frame work of the induced gravity is investigated. It appears that the source terms with the particle number density in the creation law can be interpreted as the invisible part of the Universe. It is shown that there is a gauge that restores the General Relativity in which our model is equivalent to the f(R)-gravity for f ∝ R^3/2. It turns out that there are three types of vacua by which we understand the solutions with no particles and no particle creation. Classical transitions between different vacua are forbidden. There is however one case of the quantum tunneling between two of them. Such a process begins at the past infinity of the imaginary time. Thus, since the period of the imaginary time during the tunneling is infinite, the temperature after this transition is zero.

Тематическая секция Гравитация и космология

Primary author

Victor Berezin (Institute for Nuclear Research, Russian Academy of Sciences)


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