On the possibility of using graphene-like materials for axions registration in the terahertz range

19 Feb 2025, 13:40
Синий зал

Синий зал


Azamat Khokonov


The possibility of using graphene-like materials (GLM) for single-quantum registration of terahertz photons that appear during the conversion of axions into photons in the strong magnetic field of a holoscope is discussed[1]. It is shown that radiation with a frequency of 0.15 THz [2] and a power of W = 1.4 x 10-18 W induces transverse oscillations with an amplitude of 1 nm [3] in freely suspended graphene measuring 1x1 mm, located above a grounded conducting plane at a distance of 0.1 mm, which in turn causes a voltage with an amplitude of 1 mV. In addition, it is possible to control the electronic properties of the GLM, namely the band gap by doping the GLM by metal atoms [4]. Thus, for cadmium-doped graphene (C16Cd structure), the band gap is 0.75 eV, while pure graphene has no band gap.

  1. J. Liu, K.Dona, G. Hoshino, S. Knirck, N.Kurinsky et. al.
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 131801 (2022)
  2. A. Kh. Khokonov, Z.A. Akhmatov, Journal of Phys.: Conf. Ser.,2021
  3. M.L. Ackerman, P. Kumar, M. Neek-Amal, P.M. Thibado, PRL 117, 126801 (2016)
  4. Z.A. Akhmatov, Carbon, 2024. Vol. 230. p. 119571
Тематическая секция Астрофизика частиц и космические лучи

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