The possibility of using graphene-like materials (GLM) for single-quantum registration of terahertz photons that appear during the conversion of axions into photons in the strong magnetic field of a holoscope is discussed[1]. It is shown that radiation with a frequency of 0.15 THz [2] and a power of W = 1.4 x 10-18 W induces transverse oscillations with an amplitude of 1 nm [3] in freely suspended graphene measuring 1x1 mm, located above a grounded conducting plane at a distance of 0.1 mm, which in turn causes a voltage with an amplitude of 1 mV. In addition, it is possible to control the electronic properties of the GLM, namely the band gap by doping the GLM by metal atoms [4]. Thus, for cadmium-doped graphene (C16Cd structure), the band gap is 0.75 eV, while pure graphene has no band gap.
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- Z.A. Akhmatov, Carbon, 2024. Vol. 230. p. 119571
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