The equivalent vector boson approximation at threshold energies

21 Feb 2025, 16:15
Зелёный зал

Зелёный зал

Устный доклад Физика нейтрино


Ibragim Alikhanov (North-Caucasus Federal University, Russia)


The applicability of the equivalent vector boson approximation to lepton-induced reactions at energies close to the $W$ and $Z$ boson production thresholds is considered. The presented approach highlights resonant channels that may contribute to the reactions. For example, the approximation favors the assumption that the Glashow resonance, currently searched for at neutrino experiments, contributes also to the process $e^+e^-\rightarrow W^+W^-$.

Тематическая секция Физика нейтрино

Primary author

Ibragim Alikhanov (North-Caucasus Federal University, Russia)

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