Transition of dimuonium through foil

19 Feb 2025, 15:15
Красный зал

Красный зал


Zurab Silagadze (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)


The talk is based on the article published in (\href{}{Physical Review A 110 (2024), 042810}.

Transition of dimuonium through foil is described by the transport equations that represent the evolution of dimuonium states during the passage. The transport equations are solved after truncating them to a finite number of quantum states involved. The results of the study are presented for three different foils (beryllium, aluminum, and lead). To estimate the impact of uncertainties in the potential of a target atom, we study 15 different approximations of the atomic potential and show that the corresponding atomic-potential-model-dependent error in the yields of the low lying states of dimuonium is quite small within the framework of the applied Born approximation. The convergence of the results after truncation of the infinite system of transport equations to the finite number of quantum states of dimuonium is also studied, and good convergence for the yields of low-lying states is demonstrated.

Тематическая секция Физика фундаментальных взаимодействий

Primary authors

Dr Abdaljalel Alizzi (Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia and Al Furat University, Deir-ez-Zor, Syrian Arab Republic) Dr Artem Uskov (Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia) Zurab Silagadze (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)

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