VEPP-2000 electron-positron collider operating in the beam energy range of 150-1000 MeV is the only machine originally designed to exploit Round Beams Concept which results in significant beam-beam limit enhancement. After long shutdown for injection chain upgrade VEPP-2000 resumed data taking with luminosity limited only by beam-beam effects.
Thanks to extensive and thorough machine tuning the luminosity achieved L = 9 * 10^+31 cm-2s-1 at E=900 MeV that is above the design value. The stable operation resulted as well in high average data taking rate of 2-4 pb-1/day at top energies.
In 2024 VEPP-2000 achieved the symbolic long-term milestone: integrated luminosity recorded by each of two detectors, SND and CMD-3, exceeded 1fb-1. This value was the target data volume written in the project physical program. Recorded data allows to study physics of light quarks with unprecedent precision. Recently published by CMD-3 collaboration e+e- -> pi+pi- cross-section measurement already changed the vision of muon anomalous magnetic dipole moment mystery - possible window to physics beyond the SM.
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