Perturbative Quantum Gravity and FeynGrav

20 Feb 2025, 15:00
Зелёный зал

Зелёный зал


Dr Boris Latosh (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)


Effective quantum gravity provides a tool to study quantum gravitational effects below the Planck scale. Because of the effective nature of the theory, it has an infinite number of interaction terms and an infinite set of Feynman interaction rules. I developed a theoretical framework that allows the generalisation of the interaction rules for any order of perturbation theory. The framework is implemented in a "FeynGrav" package in Wolfram Mathematica based on the widely-used "FeynCalc" package. In this talk, I discuss the developed theoretical framework, the current state and further development of FeynGrav. The talk is based on [Class.Quant.Grav. 39 (2022) 16, 165006; Comput.Phys.Commun. 292 (2023) 108871; Symmetry 16 (2024) 117; arXiv:2406.14872].

Тематическая секция Гравитация и космология

Primary author

Dr Boris Latosh (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)

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