Influence of axions and axion-like particles on momentum and spin dynamics of Standard Model particles – New results

18 Feb 2025, 14:30
Бежевый зал

Бежевый зал


Alexander Silenko (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)


We present new theoretical results on an influence of dark matter axions and axion-like particles on momentum and spin dynamics of Standard Model particles. Axion-like dark matter particles interact like the axion. CP-noninvariance of the axion–gluon coupling results in an appearance of oscillating nucleon EDMs which are proportional to the axion field. Axions manifest themselves in direct interactions with Standard Model particles (so-called axion wind effect). We have rigorously determined the relativistic spin dynamics defined by the oscillating nucleon EDMs and the ``axion wind‘’ [1]. The use of the relativistic approach is rather important for present and planned experiments on a search for dark matter axions and axion-like particles [2]. The covariance of Lagrangians results in a distortion of any electric and magnetic fields by a pseudoscalar axion field. One can also use the equivalent approach based on an introduction of effective oscillating magnetic charges and EDMs in undistorted electromagnetic fields. The Euler-Lagrange equation allows one to deduce the modified Maxwell-like equations from the Lagrangian density [3]. The study of a passage of strongly decelerated electrons or positrons through a solenoid is proposed [3]. The equation of spin motion is rigorously derived for a particle with electric and magnetic charges and electric and magnetic dipole moments in electromagnetic fields [4].
1.A. J. Silenko, Relativistic spin dynamics conditioned by dark matter axions, Eur. Phys. J. C 82, 856 (2022).
2.S. N. Vergeles, N. N. Nikolaev, Y. N. Obukhov, A. J. Silenko, O. V. Teryaev, General relativity effects in precision spin experimental tests of fundamental symmetries, Phys. Usp. 66, 109 (2023).
3.A. J. Silenko, Effective oscillatory magnetic charges and electric dipole moments induced by axion-photon coupling, arXiv: 2305.19703 (2023).
4.A. J. Silenko, Equation of spin motion for a particle with electric and magnetic charges and dipole moments, Phys. Scr. 99, 085306 (2024).

Тематическая секция Физика за пределами Стандартной модели

Primary author

Alexander Silenko (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)

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