The CBK relation in QCD : the current status of considerations

17 Feb 2025, 14:15
Красный зал

Красный зал


Dr Andrei Kataev (INR RAS)


The status of the Crewthwer-Broadhurst-Kataev
relation, which connects the amplitide of pi^0\rightarrow gamma gamma decay with the product of the massless perturbative QCD expressions of the e^+e^-m annihilation Adler function and of the
Bjorken sum rule of the polarized lepton hadron scattering is reviewed. It is reminded that in the gauge invariant subtractions schemes this product contacts the governed by the conformal symmetry unit contribution and the proportional to the factorized QCD beta-function conformal symmetry breaking part. The related to the existence of this relation consequence are reviewed.

Тематическая секция Физика фундаментальных взаимодействий

Primary author

Dr Andrei Kataev (INR RAS)

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