Exact and approximate dualities between various phenomena in QCD phase diagram

17 Feb 2025, 13:45
Бежевый зал

Бежевый зал


Roman Zhokhov (IZMIRAN, IHEP)


Phase diagram of two color and three color QCD are reviewed. The dualities of QCD phase diagram are reviewed in both two and three color cases in framework of effective model. There is one duality in three color real QCD and there are three dualities in two color QCD. In two color case chiral symmetry breaking, charged pion condensation and color superconductivity phenomena are dual with respect to each other. Then it is shown that dualities can be shown from first principles as in three color case (one duality) as well as in two color one (three dualities).

Despite the fact that the thermodynamic potential in three color case (Nc=3) does not have properties of all three dualities found in the two-color case, it turned out that the phase portrait qualitatively contains these dualities. The condensates do not coincide but the behaviour and location of phases are the same. This was shown in effective model. One can show that for some unphysically large quark-quark coupling (closer to the one in two color case) in effective model gap equations (hence condensates) possess exact three dual symmetries. Although thermodynamic potential would not have exact three dualities even in this case, only phase diagram would have approximate dualities. Also there will be discussed color superconductivity phenomenon and the influence of chiral imbalance on its properties.

It is interesting how phase diagrams of three and two colors are connected since there are a lot of advantages in two color case such as there is no sign problem for baryon chemical potential.
It has been shown that the phase diagram of two color QCD has a lot of common features with three color one. Showing that two color QCD could be quite helpful and be great toy model and lab to study dense quark matter.

Тематическая секция Фундаментальная ядерная физика

Primary author

Roman Zhokhov (IZMIRAN, IHEP)

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