Institute for Nuclear Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences (INR RAS), Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Moscow State University (SINP MSU) and National Research Nuclear University MEPhI have initiated a new series of Scientific Summer Schools on Theoretical Particle Physics and Cosmology named after great physicist Valery Rubakov who passed away in

October 2022 lecturing in Sarov branch of MSU. The initiative got support from Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR), Nuclear Physics Section of RAS, Faculty of Physics of MSU, MSU and National Center for Physics and Mathematics in Sarov. The latter suggests the School venue and provides all the participants with the full financial support including accommodation, meals, coffee breaks, local transportation and tickets.
The School goal is to elucidate the latest developments in the wide field of what is typically called theoretical particle physics concentrating on the most recent hot topics. There will be 5 lecture courses each of 4-5 one-hour lectures. They will be delivered by the leading experts in the fields and are supposed to be highly advanced aimed at postgraduate students, PhD students and young scientists. Lecturers may give problems to be solved by participants during specially allocated time periods and then presented and discussed at evening sessions.
A person who intends to participate must fill in the registration form on the Conference web-page. The number of participants is limited to 80.