Lecture Courses


Peter Tinyakov (ULB): Primordial Black Holes.


  1. Formation of PBH in the early Universe
  2. Detection methods at different masses. Existing constraints. Asteroid-mass window
  3. Capture of asteroid-mass PBH by stars
  4. Capture at star birth
  5. Expected constraints in the asteroid mass range

           Recommended reading to prepare for lectures

  1. L.D. Landau, E.M. Lifshitz "Field theory" (gravity related parts)
  2. V. Rubakov & D. Gorbunov "Introduction to the Theory of the Early Universe"

Dmitry Levkov (INR RAS): Tunneling in quantum field theory.


  1. Tunneling in quantum mechanics
  2. False vacuum decay in scalar field theory
  3. Nonperturbative transitions in nonabelian gauge theories
  4. Multiparticle processes

           Recommended reading to prepare for lectures

  1. M.A. Lavrentev, B.V. Shabat "Methods of the theory of function of complex variable," Nauka, 1987
  2. H. Kleinert "Path integrals in quantum mechanics, statistics, polymer physics, and financial markets," World Scientific, 2009
  3. M. E.Peskin, D. V. Schroeder "An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory", Frontiers in Physics, 1995
  4. A. A. Slavnov, L. D. Faddeev "Gauge Fields, Introduction to Quantum Theory", Benjamin/Cummings, 1980
  5. L.D. Landau, E.M. Lifshitz "Quantum Mechanics," Pergamon Press, 1965

           Special literature

  1. M. Serone, G. Spada, G. Villadoro, "The Power of Perturbation Theory", Phys.Rev.D 96 (2017) 021701 [arXiv:1612.04376], JHEP 05 (2017) 056 [arXiv:1702.04148]
  2. S.R. Coleman "The Uses of Instantons", Subnucl.Ser. 15 (1979) 805
  3. V.A. Rubakov "Classical Theory of Gauge Fields," Princeton University Press, 2002.
  4. D. Buttazzo et al. "Investigating the near-criticality of the Higgs boson," JHEP 12 (2013) 089 [arXiv:1307.3536].
  5. S.V. Demidov, D.G. Levkov "Semiclassical description of soliton-antisoliton pair production in particle collisions," JHEP 11 (2015) 066 [arXiv:1509.07125].
  6. K. Fujikawa, "Path Integral for Gauge Theories with Fermions," Phys.Rev.D 21 (1980).
  7. I. Affleck "On Constrained Instantons," Nucl.Phys.B 191 (1981) 429, https://lib-extopc.kek.jp/preprints/PDF/1981/8103/8103341.pdf .
  8. A. Ringwald "High-Energy Breakdown of Perturbation Theory in the Electroweak Instanton Sector," Nucl.Phys.B 330 (1990) 1.
  9. D.T. Son, "Semiclassical approach for multiparticle production in scalar theories," Nucl.Phys.B 477 (1996) 378  [hep-ph/9505338]

Andrei Barvinsky (LPI RAS): Quantum cosmology


  1. Canonical formalism of the gravitational field
  2. Quantization of gauge constrained systems
  3. Wheeler-DeWitt equation, BFV formalism and path integral
  4. Semiclassical approximation
  5. Quantum states as a source of initial conditions for cosmological evolution: no boundary, tunneling and the density matrix of the Universe

Recommended reading to prepare for lectures

  1. L.D. Landau, E.M. Lifshitz "Field theory" (gravity related parts)
  2. Н.П.Коноплева, В.Н.Попов, КАЛИБРОВОЧНЫЕ ПОЛЯ, Атомиздат, 1980 (Глава IV).
  3. J.A.Wheeler, Einsteins vision, Springer 1968, [Дж.А.Уилер, "Предвидение Эйнштейна", Мир 1970] -- popular naive introduction to the subject.

          Special literature

  1. A.O.Barvinsky, Unitarity approach to quantum cosmology, Phys.Reports, 230, Nos.5&6 (1993) 237-367
  2. A.O.Barvinsky, Lecture course "Functional methods of QFT", Lectures 1-5 and Lectures 11-12 (enclosed pdf file)
  3. M.Henneaux and C.Teitelboim, "Quantization of gauge systems", Princeton University Press, 1992

Dmitry Melikhov (SINP MSU): Effective field theories for flavour physics

           Course description

Recommended reading to prepare for lectures

  1. I. Stewart, Effective field theory, online lecture course 8.851 MIT+Lecture Notes
  2. Antonio Pich, Effective field theories, arXiv:hep-ph/9806303 
  3. Thomas Becher, Effective Field Theories, course at University of Bern, 2010
    (Lecture notes); Thomas Becher and Martin Hoferichter, Effective Field Theory, 2021. 
  4. Thomas Becher, Effective Field Theories, course at University of Bern, 2010
    (Lecture notes); Thomas Becher and Martin Hoferichter, Effective Field Theory, 2021. 
  5. David Kaplan, “Effective Field Theory”, nucl-th/9506035, “Lectures on Effective Field Theory”, 2016
  6. Adam Falkowski, ”Lectures on EFT”, 2020.

Special literature

  1. [HQET.1] Matthias Neubert, Heavy Quark Symmetry, hep-ph/9306320
  2. [HQET.2] A. Manohar, M. Wise, Heavy Quark Physics, Camb.Monogr.Part.Phys.Nucl.Phys.Cosmol. 10 (2000) 1
  3. [SCET.1] Thomas Becher, Soft-Collinear effective theory, arXiv: hep-ph/1803.04310
  4. [SCET.2] I. Stewart, Lectures on Soft-Collinear Effective theory, 2013, EFT Course 8.851, SCET Lecture Notes MIT
  5. [ChPT.1] A. Pich, Chiral Perturbation Theory, Lectures, hep-ph/9502366
  6. [ChPT.2] Б. Л. Иоффе, эффективная киральная теория сильных взаимодействий, УФН 171, 1273 (2001).
  7. Matching in EFT at one loop: [EFT.3] Chapter 3, [EFT.6] Chapter 2
  8. QCD matching at thresholds (clear presentation): 
    - W. Bernreuther, W. Wetzel, “Decoupling of heavy quarks in the minimal subtraction scheme”
    - Nuclear Physics B197, 228 (1982) 
    - G. Rodrigo, A. Santamaria, “QCD matching at thresholds”, Physics Letters B 313, 441 (1993) 

Alexander Snigirev (SINP MSU):  Hadronic structures and perturbative QCD


  1. Basic hard scattering processes in perturbative QCD
  2. Parton model and QCD
  3. Parton distribution functions

Recommended reading to prepare for lectures

  1. F.J. Yndurain, Quantum Chromodynamics
  2. В.А.Рубаков, Классические калибровочные поля

            Special literature

  1. Yu. L. Dokshitzer,  D.I. Dyakonov, S.I. Troyan, Hard processes in
    quantum chromodynamics. Phys. Rep. v.58, N5, p.269-395, 1980
  2. R. Cutler, D. Sivers, Phys. Rev. D 17 (1977) 196
  3. B.L. Combridge, J. Kripfganz, J. Ranft, Phys. Letters 70B (1977) 234