Peter Tinyakov (ULB): Primordial Black Holes.
- Formation of PBH in the early Universe
- Detection methods at different masses. Existing constraints. Asteroid-mass window
- Capture of asteroid-mass PBH by stars
- Capture at star birth
- Expected constraints in the asteroid mass range
Recommended reading to prepare for lectures
- L.D. Landau, E.M. Lifshitz "Field theory" (gravity related parts)
- V. Rubakov & D. Gorbunov "Introduction to the Theory of the Early Universe"
Dmitry Levkov (INR RAS): Tunneling in quantum field theory.
- Tunneling in quantum mechanics
- False vacuum decay in scalar field theory
- Nonperturbative transitions in nonabelian gauge theories
- Multiparticle processes
Recommended reading to prepare for lectures
- M.A. Lavrentev, B.V. Shabat "Methods of the theory of function of complex variable," Nauka, 1987
- H. Kleinert "Path integrals in quantum mechanics, statistics, polymer physics, and financial markets," World Scientific, 2009
- M. E.Peskin, D. V. Schroeder "An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory", Frontiers in Physics, 1995
- A. A. Slavnov, L. D. Faddeev "Gauge Fields, Introduction to Quantum Theory", Benjamin/Cummings, 1980
- L.D. Landau, E.M. Lifshitz "Quantum Mechanics," Pergamon Press, 1965
Special literature
- M. Serone, G. Spada, G. Villadoro, "The Power of Perturbation Theory", Phys.Rev.D 96 (2017) 021701 [arXiv:1612.04376], JHEP 05 (2017) 056 [arXiv:1702.04148]
- S.R. Coleman "The Uses of Instantons", Subnucl.Ser. 15 (1979) 805
- V.A. Rubakov "Classical Theory of Gauge Fields," Princeton University Press, 2002.
- D. Buttazzo et al. "Investigating the near-criticality of the Higgs boson," JHEP 12 (2013) 089 [arXiv:1307.3536].
- S.V. Demidov, D.G. Levkov "Semiclassical description of soliton-antisoliton pair production in particle collisions," JHEP 11 (2015) 066 [arXiv:1509.07125].
- K. Fujikawa, "Path Integral for Gauge Theories with Fermions," Phys.Rev.D 21 (1980).
- I. Affleck "On Constrained Instantons," Nucl.Phys.B 191 (1981) 429, .
- A. Ringwald "High-Energy Breakdown of Perturbation Theory in the Electroweak Instanton Sector," Nucl.Phys.B 330 (1990) 1.
- D.T. Son, "Semiclassical approach for multiparticle production in scalar theories," Nucl.Phys.B 477 (1996) 378 [hep-ph/9505338]
Andrei Barvinsky (LPI RAS): Quantum cosmology
- Canonical formalism of the gravitational field
- Quantization of gauge constrained systems
- Wheeler-DeWitt equation, BFV formalism and path integral
- Semiclassical approximation
- Quantum states as a source of initial conditions for cosmological evolution: no boundary, tunneling and the density matrix of the Universe
Recommended reading to prepare for lectures
- L.D. Landau, E.M. Lifshitz "Field theory" (gravity related parts)
- Н.П.Коноплева, В.Н.Попов, КАЛИБРОВОЧНЫЕ ПОЛЯ, Атомиздат, 1980 (Глава IV).
- J.A.Wheeler, Einsteins vision, Springer 1968, [Дж.А.Уилер, "Предвидение Эйнштейна", Мир 1970] -- popular naive introduction to the subject.
Special literature
- A.O.Barvinsky, Unitarity approach to quantum cosmology, Phys.Reports, 230, Nos.5&6 (1993) 237-367
- A.O.Barvinsky, Lecture course "Functional methods of QFT", Lectures 1-5 and Lectures 11-12 (enclosed pdf file)
- M.Henneaux and C.Teitelboim, "Quantization of gauge systems", Princeton University Press, 1992
Dmitry Melikhov (SINP MSU): Effective field theories for flavour physics
Course description
Recommended reading to prepare for lectures
- I. Stewart, Effective field theory, online lecture course 8.851 MIT+Lecture Notes
- Antonio Pich, Effective field theories, arXiv:hep-ph/9806303
- Thomas Becher, Effective Field Theories, course at University of Bern, 2010
(Lecture notes); Thomas Becher and Martin Hoferichter, Effective Field Theory, 2021. - Thomas Becher, Effective Field Theories, course at University of Bern, 2010
(Lecture notes); Thomas Becher and Martin Hoferichter, Effective Field Theory, 2021. - David Kaplan, “Effective Field Theory”, nucl-th/9506035, “Lectures on Effective Field Theory”, 2016
- Adam Falkowski, ”Lectures on EFT”, 2020.
Special literature
- [HQET.1] Matthias Neubert, Heavy Quark Symmetry, hep-ph/9306320
- [HQET.2] A. Manohar, M. Wise, Heavy Quark Physics, Camb.Monogr.Part.Phys.Nucl.Phys.Cosmol. 10 (2000) 1
- [SCET.1] Thomas Becher, Soft-Collinear effective theory, arXiv: hep-ph/1803.04310
- [SCET.2] I. Stewart, Lectures on Soft-Collinear Effective theory, 2013, EFT Course 8.851, SCET Lecture Notes MIT
- [ChPT.1] A. Pich, Chiral Perturbation Theory, Lectures, hep-ph/9502366
- [ChPT.2] Б. Л. Иоффе, эффективная киральная теория сильных взаимодействий, УФН 171, 1273 (2001).
- Matching in EFT at one loop: [EFT.3] Chapter 3, [EFT.6] Chapter 2
- QCD matching at thresholds (clear presentation):
- W. Bernreuther, W. Wetzel, “Decoupling of heavy quarks in the minimal subtraction scheme”
- Nuclear Physics B197, 228 (1982)
- G. Rodrigo, A. Santamaria, “QCD matching at thresholds”, Physics Letters B 313, 441 (1993)
Alexander Snigirev (SINP MSU): Hadronic structures and perturbative QCD
- Basic hard scattering processes in perturbative QCD
- Parton model and QCD
- Parton distribution functions
Recommended reading to prepare for lectures
- F.J. Yndurain, Quantum Chromodynamics
- В.А.Рубаков, Классические калибровочные поля
Special literature
- Yu. L. Dokshitzer, D.I. Dyakonov, S.I. Troyan, Hard processes in
quantum chromodynamics. Phys. Rep. v.58, N5, p.269-395, 1980 - R. Cutler, D. Sivers, Phys. Rev. D 17 (1977) 196
- B.L. Combridge, J. Kripfganz, J. Ranft, Phys. Letters 70B (1977) 234